How to cut and shape a trumpet – crown cue tip
If you are after a larger tip for your cue than the ferrule then this might be the answer to your problems.
At times, players will love the cue they have but have considered changing it as they feel they would benefit from a different tip size. If they go down this track then apart from altering (possibly shortening or lengthening) a perfectly good cue, it might not make any difference and the cue possibly won’t play the same.
Well, there is another solution they could try first. A crown, or trumpet tip as some call it could possibly produce the results they seek.
Fitting a larger (or smaller) tip to the ferrule and then shaping it to suit would at the very least give the player an insight into whether they feel a different sized tip is the solution for them.
There are a couple of pro players who use this method so it’s certainly not a new one. In the video we try and give you an insight into how to achieve this so you can have a go at it yourself if you are struggling with the same issue.
You will also find this tip shape on Barry Hawkins cue in the tip shapes article on this website.
How to cut and shape a trumpet – crown cue tip
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