November 2020


Hello Everyone!

Well. I’ve been promising for some time now to do a newsletter to hopefully answer some of the questions that regularly find their way to me via the social media channels. At present I am getting around 200 a week so we will start slowly and see how we get on. If you have any suggestions then by all means drop me a line and hopefully we can build the content to fit the readers.

The majority of requests for information seem to fall in the following categories so we’ll make a start there:

Cue Maintenance Videos
How do you store your cue?
Majestic Custom Cases Project Progress
What cues do you sell?
Cue Packages
Sin Bin items for for sale 



Cue Maintenance Videos

How to remove lacquer from a snooker cue

We take a look here on how to remove some of that heavy lacquer you find on snooker cues without the need for chemicals. You can also subscribe to our channel for further tips if it’s of interest. Video Link:



How should I store my cue?

This is one of those questions that rarely crops up, for me I tend to worry as a cue supplier and some of the responses should keep me up at night!

When people come directly to us to pick a cue up I always ask if they have a case to put it in as I like to see what they have; on the odd occasions I have had a few buy £300+ cues with the intention of buying a case later and just sticking the cue under their bed in the mean time.

So many don’t realise that the cue must be stored in something that is straight, has some insulation properties and free from an environment that has condensation or somewhere that may be next to a heat source or even on the window ledge getting cooked from the sun.

Years ago when I didn’t know any better, I left my Burwat Champion 1 piece cue in the back of a Datsun 100a, I would have been around 18 years old and knew nothing. The next morning, after a frosty night I went back up the club to get the car and take my cue indoors; yep, I left my cue in the car, nippers eh?

That lovely cue was never the same. Even after the frost the cue was actually wet, then warped, then went whippy; that night destroyed a decent cue and when I look back now I cringe; fortunately I know more now and also understand the pain of losing a playing cue.

To give you another example of strange behaviour I had a really picky trades guy pop round and spent over an hour choosing a cue and case and eventually found the right mix after asking an incredible amount of questions to get the right one. “The cue needs to be 18.15 ounces as I couldn’t play with one that’s 18.2 ounces” etc etc. Eventually he found the right combination, spent around £500 on a cue and case and left. I looked out the window to make sure he backed onto the main road ok and saw him throw the cue and case up into the back of his transit van, I could have cried. It takes all sorts.

I change a lot of tips for local guys and every now and then I get a cue turn up and it’s actually wet. When I ask if the cue spends it’s life in the car I am amazed at how many say yes (and no, they are not all 18 year olds with a Burwat Champion cue lol).

I then try and dry the cue, re-tip it and give some advice which might help better protect it!

So what should we consider when trying to look after our cues? You may or may not agree with the following but at least you can run your eyes over the points and some of them may help so I hope it will at least prompt some thinking!

Some Do’s and Don’ts

  • Always ensure your cue is stored in a decent cue case
  • Ensure the case is stored on a flat surface or if the case has a hook, hang it
  • Ensure the cue isn’t forced down by a cue towel in the case that may affect it’s straightness
  • Try and make sure the chalk is protected so it doesn’t go all over your cue shaft
  • Put any loose items into a bag in your case so they don’t damage the cue
  • If you can protect your tip in the case then great
  • Don’t lean your cue against a wall; lot’s drop and crack or snap!!
  • Do not store your cue in a car
  • Don’t leave your cue near a heat source e.g. a radiator or exposed to the sun
  • Do not store your cue somewhere that is exposed to lots of moisture e.g. damp places or conservatories

I’m sure there are few other tips out there so if you know of any then feel free to message me and I’ll add them to the list ( ); hopefully there was something of use in the list for you.

Contact Us

Majestic Leather Cue Cases

At the moment we are still in the design stage of launching our Majestic Leather Cue cases range. We have been doing regular updates and lots of  progress images so everyone can see where we are at.

I have to say, I have been blown away by the nice comments and the amount of requests we have had for cases even though we haven’t started to take any orders.

We are looking to finish around 10 or 11 custom cases for the new website first and when we are confident we have everything covered, we’ll then start to take orders. We have set a target date early January so fingers crossed.

We have been slowly kitting out the workshop with machines and designing case making jigs which does take time but it is all coming together so getting a bit more excited as each week passes.

It’s fair to say I certainly underestimated the whole project, surely you just sew some leather together and stick it on a box? Well a few thousand later and nearly 2 years on and I am still trying to finish what I started.

I’m very please to say that although the lock-down has dropped sales everywhere it has enabled us to spend a decent amount of time finally bringing this project to a close so we can open the door to new orders.

Below we have put a few examples of what we’ve been up to and hopefully we can start to show some beautiful examples every month. If you would like to see more of our case making images then we can be found here:

Watch this space!

Making case carcasses. Lots of jigs to make before this!
A single colour case would certainly be a lot easier……
Here are some snapshots of 3 completed cases



What cues do we sell?

We stock around 250 cues at any one times for the website but the focus is normally on our custom made Thai cues and the Taylor Made brand which have become very popular mainly as great value for money. If you don’t find the cue you are looking for on the website you can always ring us as we constantly have cues ready to go up onto the website. 

Here are a few useful links so you can see what in stock.

Here are a few pictures to wet your appetite!

Cue Packages

We are in the process of sorting Xmas stock at the moment so if you are interested in any items then let us know pronto as stocks reduce at a rate of knots toward the end of this month!!

If you are interested in a cue and case deal then as always, we can reduce the package slightly as we only have one postage to pay.

These are already going fast so drop me an email if you are interested so I can give you a current update on stocks.

Contact Us
Budget Range Cue

Stock Clearout – Sin Bin Cues

Cues dropped by onsite customers over the last 2 years, slight marks or not perfectly straight. Great starter cues or for kids starting out.

Next Month

Well hopefully you enjoyed a snapshot into our world.

If you do not already subscribe to this newsletter but would like to then you can sign up on the ‘Newsletter Subscribe‘ button below. 

Next month we hope to bring you some good news on the progression of our custom made leather cue cases but you can also check us out on our Facebook button below if you want a sneak preview of case pics.

See you next month.

Marc Lockley


Contact Us
Subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter
Facebook – Majestic Cue Cases
Snooker Crazy Website
YouTube Page – The Snooker Crazy Group
Facebook – The Snooker Crazy Group