Please read these points and the tool description before deciding to purchase the tool.
Point 1:
“Now. Before we give a description we would just like to ensure you understand that this tool when correctly described is a ‘Tenoning machine’ made by Tweeten. In no way does it cut metal ferrules off of an existing cue, you will need to remove the ferrules by the conventional method. The Tweeten Tenoning machine cuts wood from the cue, not metal, and yes, people have tried!”
Point 2:
“Snooker Crazy do not take any responsibility for damage to cues when using this machine. If adequate protection of the shaft isn’t taken, over tightening of the machine, incorrect collet used, forcing cues in the machine are experienced then there is a possibility of cue damage. The cue should slide easily into position, if it doesn’t then please re-read the information supplied or advice should be sought.”
Tool Description
Tweeten Cue Tip Ferrule Cutter (Tweeten Tenoning Machine). The ferrule cutter will take shaft tips between 6.5mm and 10.4mm in diameter. This is a very simple to use tool which lets you cut the cue neatly ready to take a ferrule. Normally ferrules are fitted by the use of a lathe. In this case, this handy tool enables you to quickly prepare a cue without the need for expensive machinery which means it can be completed at home.
An additional collet (cue diameter guide) can be purchased from the main stockist to enable cue tips from 11mm to 15mm.
As an additional note, we would add that it would be good practice to ensure you protect your shaft with an appropriate tape when tightening the Tweeten Cue Tip Ferrule Cutter (Tweeten Tenoning Machine) to ensure you don’t damage the cue shaft surface. You are tightening a metal nut against the shaft which tightens the internal collet that keeps the machine in place ready to cut the ferrule into the cue dowel. This was just a quick tip as we have heard of people not putting any protection on their cue shaft!