Training Exercises
Snooker Safety Shots off Reds
Snooker Safety Shots off Reds is a great exercise to practice to get that touch right when requiring those delicate little safety shots. Imagine you are at the beginning of the frame and your opponent goes for that long red, rattles it and leaves in just below the pack. Now you have a lot of options but it would be nice to leave them in baulk with a chance of leaving that awkward snooker.
So, this is a nice exercise for playing various shots from the same position whilst trying to leave both the red and the white safe.
Setting the exercise up
Snooker Safety Shots off Reds:
- This exercise is completed one red at a time
- Use around 6 positions parallel with the cushion
- The first red should be in line with the black as per the diagram above
- The white should always be just above the black
- If it makes it easy, then mark the 6 positions on the cushion with a chalk mark
Initial exercise suggestions
Snooker Safety Shots off Reds:
You are practicing to do 3 things with each shot off the red as follows:
- Leave the white behind a baulk colour
- Leave the white on the baulk cushion or as close to it as possible
- Bring the red back over toward the pink and black and try and snooker from the white
Other points to consider
Snooker Safety Shots off Reds:
When playing snooker safety shots off Reds in this position you will have a number of choices dependent on the angle of the red you are playing compared to the baulk colours.
Now I like to do this exercise a couple of ways.
- Firstly, try playing the easiest shot to get you to where you need to be for both balls and as close to the baulk cushion as possible.
- Secondly, try using side / stun / screw etc to create some unusual angle to accomplish the same thing.
See what happens when to the cue ball when using left hand side / right hand side and other combinations to find that safe shot. I
I like both exercises as there’s not always a clear path to get to safety or there if there is, you need a little side to leave the red safe as well as the white.
Don’t forget to record your scores so you can keep an eye on your progress with each exercise and how fast you are improving. Try scoring each shot with three points, one for each of the following:
- Leave the white behind a baulk colour
- Leave the white on the baulk cushion or as close to it as possible
- Bring the red back over toward the pink and black and try and snooker from the white
Good luck and above all, enjoy your practice time!