Training Exercises
Straight Potting Reds Exercise 1
Straight Potting Reds is a great exercise to practice your setup and whether you deliver the cue straight down the line of aim.
This exercise will help you understand where the red goes if you miss the pot and if you are consistently missing the same side which can help point to what faults are in your set up or aiming.
Setting the exercise up
Straight Potting Reds:
- Place a red in between the blue and brown spot in the middle of the table
- Place 7 reds each side of this red in a line horizontal with the baulk line and an equal distance apart
- You will move the white ball along the baulk line making a straight pot with each red into an end pocket
- Now you can try this exercise with stun, screw, top or middle ball, we suggest middle ball aiming to start with
Initial exercise suggestions
Straight Potting Reds:
- Aim to pot each red in a straight line into the an end pocket
- If you pot one then leave it in that pocket and score 2 points
- If you rattle the red in the pocket then score 1 point and place it in the middle pocket
- If the red touches the side rail first then you do not score any points
- Ensure you try and pot all 15 reds so you can keep score and reference where each missed red goes
Other points to consider
Straight Potting Reds:
Straight potting reds is a nice exercise to help the player understand if they can pot straight balls, which part of the pocket you should be aiming at for greatest success and working on a nice rhythm so cueing remains smooth.
Training Exercises
Straight Potting Reds Exercise 2
Straight Potting Reds is a great exercise to practice your setup and whether you deliver the cue straight down the line of aim.
This exercise will help you understand where the red goes if you miss the pot and if you are consistently missing the same side which can help point to what faults are in your set up or aiming.
Setting the exercise up
Straight Potting Reds:
- Place a red on the blue spot
- Place 7 reds each side of the blue spot in line with the middle pockets equal distance apart
- You will move the white ball along the baulk line making a straight pot with each red into an end pocket
- Now you can try this exercise with stun, screw, top or middle ball, we suggest middle ball aiming to start with
Initial exercise suggestions
Straight Potting Reds:
- Aim to pot each red in a straight line into the an end pocket
- If you pot one then leave it in that pocket and score 2 points
- If you rattle the red in the pocket then score 1 point and place it in the middle pocket
- If the red touches the side rail first then you do not score any points
- Ensure you try and pot all 15 reds so you can keep score and reference where each missed red goes
Other points to consider
Straight Potting Reds:
Straight potting reds is a nice exercise to help the player understand if they can pot straight balls, which part of the pocket you should be aiming at for greatest success and working on a nice rhythm so cueing remains smooth.
Training Exercises
Straight Potting Reds
Straight Potting Reds is a great exercise to practice your setup and whether you deliver the cue straight down the line of aim.
This exercise will help you understand where the red goes if you miss the pot and if you are consistently missing the same side which can help point to what faults are in your set up or aiming.
Setting the exercise up
Straight Potting Reds:
- Place a red in between the pink and blue spot in the middle of the table
- Place 7 reds each side of this red horizontal to the baulk line and equal distance apart
- You will move the white ball along the baulk line making a straight pot with each red into an end pocket
- Now you can try this exercise with stun, screw, top or middle ball, we suggest middle ball aiming to start with
Initial exercise suggestions
Straight Potting Reds:
- Aim to pot each red in a straight line into the an end pocket
- If you pot one then leave it in that pocket and score 2 points
- If you rattle the red in the pocket then score 1 point and place it in the middle pocket
- If the red touches the side rail first then you do not score any points
- Ensure you try and pot all 15 reds so you can keep score and reference where each missed red goes
Other points to consider
Straight Potting Reds:
Straight potting reds 3 is a nice exercise to help the player understand if they can pot straight balls but over a medium distance. Take note of the part of the pocket you should be aiming at for greatest success and working on a nice rhythm so cueing remains smooth.