Tag Archives: maple

Handmade Snooker Cues

Handmade Snooker Cues

Handmade Snooker Cues Go straight to our hand made cues collection. Well, before we get started I guess it’s best to ask the question, “What are handmade snooker cues?” We will take a look at some of the questions being raised regarding “Handmade snooker cues” as technology improves and competition increases from overseas cue makers. […]

How to clean your cue shaft

How to clean your cue shaft

Newspaper or Paper Towel Duster Microfibre Towel Baby Wipes The Glove In Conclusion Well I hope this has given you some thoughts around how to clean your cue shaft. One more little tip I learned which i’m sure some will disagree with. Do not clean your cue shaft with steel wool after each session even […]