For those that don’t know, John Hunter is a World Snooker Qualified Coach with over 30 years experience. In this time, John has been teaching and running Cuestars, a grass roots snooker scheme built around taking players of any standard through the various coaching levels in preparation to enjoy at a higher level or God […]
Tag Archives: snooker
When striking the cue ball you need to be confidence that the shaft is rigid enough to deliver a solid strike and many of the ‘Whippy’ shafts in similar ranges on offer to us just didn’t stand up to this test. The fact that Gary can put aside hundreds of cues for months to go […]
Well, I hoped you enjoyed this little insight into cue buying. It’s better to be armed with a few more thoughts as too many players just pick one of the rack and buy on what the butt looks like. We have many articles on ‘Tip shapes’ and other various topics sp why not take a […]
Removing scratches from your snooker cue acrylic badge Every now and again we get a query as someone has damaged their cue badge. It doesn’t happen often but considering how many cues have them we thought we’d try and give people a steer in case they want to try and repair it themselves. It seems […]
A recent extension to the snooker room can be seen on this short video. Many times I have considered building a snooker room and this type of build really does look achievable no matter which country you are in. If you want to save money, you could certainly do a lot […]
How to Remove Lacquer from your Snooker Cue Shaft This is one of the most common questions I get asked, “How can I get the lacquer off my cue shaft and butt!” Personally, I hate lacquer although I realise it has a place. Trying to cue with a shaft that is lacquered is to me, […]
How to Fit a Talisman Pro Laminated Cue Tip This video should give you good idea of how to change Talisman Pro Laminated Cue Tip. Even the soft Talisman tips are slightly on the hard side so if it’s the first time you have fitted one it may catch you out; personally I think they […]
How to Retip a Snooker Cue I love this topic as there are many ways to retip a snooker cue and even since doing this video I probably do it a number of different way depending on the tip I’m fitting. The video will, however, give you an insight into how to fit a tip […]
English Partnership for Snooker and Billiards Snooker and Billiards Club Finder If you are struggling to find a snooker or billiards club then look no further. The “English Partnership for Snooker and Billiards” has come up with a great solution and shared it for all to use on their official website. So, if you are working […]
How to Clean Your Snooker Cue Shaft? This is one of the questions I get asked all the time via email and text so I thought I’d take a little time to explain some of the ways to clean your snooker cue shaft. For me, there have been many different suggestions and there’s certainly more […]
WDBS Snooker Player Profile – David Church WDBS – World Disability Billiards and Snooker Since it’s formation in 2015, the WDBS certainly hasn’t stood still has continually added event after event to it’s competition calendar. The WPBS has it’s own Board which is supported by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. The English Federation of Disability […]
Launch of the Snooker 147 Club New grassroots support for English snooker clubs The English Partnership for Snooker and Billiards (EPSB) has launched the 147 Club – the first club affiliation scheme of its kind for snooker clubs in England. Improving standards The scheme aims to promote a modern and positive perception of clubs by […]
Decide on a Carcass Sewing – Find Your Way Choosing an Internal Pattern The Effect of Patterns Free Snooker Crazy Newsletter Sewing Leather The Case Handle Fitting the Handle Stretching the Leather Free Snooker Crazy Newsletter Removing Excess Leather Choosing a Case Insert Trimming and Gluing First Glance The Finished Case In Conclusion Well […]
Handmade Snooker Cues Go straight to our hand made cues collection. Well, before we get started I guess it’s best to ask the question, “What are handmade snooker cues?” We will take a look at some of the questions being raised regarding “Handmade snooker cues” as technology improves and competition increases from overseas cue makers. […]
Newspaper or Paper Towel Duster Microfibre Towel Baby Wipes The Glove In Conclusion Well I hope this has given you some thoughts around how to clean your cue shaft. One more little tip I learned which i’m sure some will disagree with. Do not clean your cue shaft with steel wool after each session even […]
Ash Exotic Woods Order to size? Exotics are Cheap? Splicing Ebony Ash Cue Blanks Splicing Fine Tuning those Splices Splicing Are the Cues Finished Yet? Finishing in the UK Well I hope this article has given you a little insight as to the origin […]
Professional Tip Shape 1 Ronnie O’Sullivan Professional Tip Shape 2 Mark Selby Professional Tip Shape 3 Fergal O’Brien Professional Tip Shape 4 Gary Wilson Professional Tip Shape 5 Shaun Murphy Professional Tip Shape 6 Stuart Bingham Professional Tip Shape 7 Yan […]
Standard Glasses Varifocals Dennis Taylor Snooker Glasses The Spoony Disposable Contact Lenses Laser Eye Surgery Dennis Taylor Snooker Glasses? So, I wonder if the article has helped you or made things even worse, I’ll leave that for you to decide but at least it gives you a little more insight (pardon the pun) into what […]
Still considering opening a new snooker club? Hopefully this article has helped highlight a few ideas so you can go through with your project and help grow this great game. If you have anything that you think may be useful to add then please don’t hesitate to contact us by using our ‘Contact Us’ page. [efb_likebox […]
Firstly, I would like to thank Lance for sharing his snooker room build with us, what a great project and seeing every stage certainly brings the whole thing to life. Many times I have considered building a snooker room and this type of build really does look achievable no matter which country you are in. […]
Well I hope you enjoyed a little look into how to make ‘Milk Dud Cue Tips’ from an Elkmaster Cue Tip. You can find all the items to give this a go on the Snooker Crazy Website if it takes your fancy but either way, when you see this type of cue tip on the […]
Well I guess you’d like to know how it played? Well I don’t mind telling you that I was a little surprised how well the tip played. I felt it would probably be reasonably good but the tip had a superb grip which I wasn’t really prepared for. It screwed the ball excellently and took […]
Well a big thank you to Dan for sharing his thoughts and I’m sure we can all relate to some of the points if not most of them! I’ll let you all decide what you think Mr Hendry used for his expletives. For me, I just gotta stop them damn monkeys talking in my head! […]
Fake Snooker Cues – Whether the sole purpose of the ebony paint was to cover up the fact that a cheaper wood was used or because the cue was damaged in a few places it’s uncertain. Either way, it’s not as described in the advertisement. One thing that’s for sure; when removing lacquer to […]
Want to see all the tips used by the pro’s in the 2017 World Snooker Championships, well we got 21 of them and you can see them here: Professional Snooker Player Tip Shapes If you would like to take a look at our tip fitting accessories then click this link. [efb_likebox […]
Snooker Cheat or Gamesmanship? Well I thought I’d put pen to paper (so to speak) as this topic has created many a heated debate at local league level for a little while now and deserves a mention. No player wants to be labelled as a snooker cheat but I’m sure you’ll raise an eye brow as […]
Build Your Own Snooker Room 2 Well, what a snooker room we have here… What started out as a decking was to soon to become one man’s dream of the ultimate snooker room. To set the balls up, you don’t even have to leave the house as the area was built as an extension that […]
Snooker Coaches Coaching, who needs snooker coaches? Well you’d be amazed at what you don’t know until you ask. I for one certainly shook my head at how I could have missed the basics for all those years! Snooker Coaches If you are a qualified snooker coach and would like your name on our free […]
What happens when Snooker Players lose their temper? Well obviously we all react to situations in different ways and pressure is personal. Having seen those tempers flare at local league is bad enough but how much more pressure is in the pot when you’re playing to put food on the table? From personal experience, I’ve […]