Tag Archives: your own

Build Your Own Snooker Room 2

build your own snooker room - snooker crazy 24

Build Your Own Snooker Room 2 Well, what a snooker room we have here… What started out as a decking was to soon to become one man’s dream of the ultimate snooker room. To set the balls up, you don’t even have to leave the house as the area was built as an extension that […]

Build Your Own Snooker Room 1

snooker crazy - snooker room

Build Your Own Snooker Room 1       We will be showing a few snooker rooms built at homes so keep an eye out as it gives us all hope that we may have our own one day…….here’s hoping!   [efb_likebox fanpage_url=”handmadesnookercues” box_width=”250″ box_height=”” locale=”en_GB” responsive=”1″ show_faces=”1″ show_stream=”0″ hide_cover=”0″ small_header=”0″ hide_cta=”0″ ]